Category Archives: Hate Crime

Hate On The Rise In America’s Two Nations

The past four years, particularly the November 3rd presidential election and its ensuing debris, have made one fact clear and convincing: America is now…

Is Bubba Wallace the Victim of a Hate Crime?

Bubba Wallace, a an African-American NASCAR driver, was told by NASCAR officials that a noose had been found in his garage before a race…

The Role Motive Plays in Proving a Texas Murder Case

When we hear about a murder, our thoughts immediately go straight to motive — why was it committed? In a court of law, however,…

Political Climate Lends to Swift Action on Suspected Hate Crimes in TX

In the wake of the surge in hate crimes across Texas following the election of Donald Trump, one Texan recently discovered the hard way…

Violence Against LBGT Community Continues to Rise

The Trump Administration has not only fostered but encouraged an anti-LBGTQIA culture in America. The National Center for Transgender Equality (“Center”) actually calls the…

The Many Federal Crimes Connected to the Botched Harding St. Drug Raid

False 911 calls have become the subject of news stories throughout the country in recent years. These unnecessary calls have led to barbeques being…

Violent Hate Crimes Increase Across the Country

61-year-old Milwaukee resident Clifton Blackwell is a white man allegedly consumed with hatred toward foreign nationals. He kept a supply of muriatic acid, Parkerizing…

Trickle Down Racism Flooding America

Hate is an insidious byproduct of evil. This byproduct has woven itself into every fabric of our political, cultural, religious and educational institutions. On…

Hate Crime Prosecutions Decline During Trump Administration

Congress passed the Michael Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (18 U.S.C. § 249) in 2009. The FBI reports there were…

The El Paso Shooting: A Hate Crime in Texas

Hate is a cultural and social disease. Its origin lies deep in ancient times when religion and war were the primary sources of power—the…



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