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John T. Floyd


The Best Time to Contact a Houston Criminal Attorney Is Now


The John T Floyd Law Firm is located in the River Oaks Tower at 3730 Kirby Dr., Suite 750, Houston, Texas 77098.  Feel free to call us at 713-224-0101.


If you are facing criminal charges in Texas, we urge you to contact the John T. Floyd Law Firm immediately. You need to act quickly if you hope to protect our rights and obtain the best possible outcome for your case.


Do not talk to the police or any other law enforcement agent without a lawyer. We give this free advice to all who will listen. Law enforcement officials are trained to get information from individuals and employ many investigative techniques, or tricks, to get people to talk. Do not be fooled. Talk to a lawyer before you answer any question. It could make the difference between no charges and prison time.


As soon as you get in touch with our Houston criminal defense office, John T. Floyd and his team of legal professionals will begin working on your case. Mr. Floyd will listen to the specifics of your situation carefully and without judgment before explaining your options and developing a plan of attack. We will determine the strongest defense strategies for the unique facts of your case and immediately begin to collect evidence, gather witnesses, and consult with experts on your behalf – but the sooner we can do this, the better.


Every moment counts when building a criminal defense strategy—do not jeopardize your future by waiting too long to get in touch. When you are ready to take the first step towards protecting your freedom, call our 713-224-0101 Houston office today, or email us at We will be in touch shortly.

3730 Kirby Drive
Suite 750

Houston, TX 77098