Last month, on the heels of a string of high-profile police killings, the nation again witnessed two fatal police shootings: one in El Cajon, California and the other in Charlotte, North Carolina. Both fatal encounters triggered street protests and acts…
Category: Criminal Justice Reform
Category: Criminal Justice Reform | Criminal Law
The Harris County Jail (“Jail”) houses more than 9,000 inmates and is the third largest jail in the country. We have previously stated the human shortcomings of this facility. In particular, we have discussed the prospect of those dying from…
Category: Criminal Justice Reform
From arrest to incarceration, the nation’s criminal justice system is flawed with disparities-the poor and racial minorities bearing the brunt of the inequities. This injustice can readily be seen in the way the federal and state governments administer its bail…
Category: Criminal Justice Reform | Criminal Law
The Harris County Jail (HCJ)is the third largest jail in the United States, and the largest in the State of Texas. It houses roughly 9,000 inmates, nearly 7,000 of whom are pretrial detainees, of which close to 80 percent are…
86 Year Federal Sentence Handed to the Gray Lady of Bagram Greater Than Necessary, Cruel and Unusual
Depending on who you believe, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui is either an American-educated Pakistani neuroscientist kidnapped in Pakistan in 2003 and tortured by Americans…