Category Archives: Criminal Justice Reform

Police Body Worn Cameras Are Becoming Tools of Abuse, Of Accountability

Police body cameras are a device worn by law enforcement that allow the police to gather evidence at a crime scene and, probably more…

Militarize Police: The Excessive Force, Unjustified Shootings, and Lawsuits They Spawn

Militarize Police: The Excessive Force, Unjustified Shootings, and Lawsuits They Spawn Police misconduct—uses of excessive force, unjustifiable shootings, and planting evidence—is a blight on…

Baltimore Police Officers Held Accountable for Misconduct, Despite AG Sessions

The Baltimore Police Department has a history of corruption. It routinely engages in the use of excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment,…

The President and Police Use of Excessive Force

Last month when speaking before a law enforcement group in New York, President Trump suggested that police engage in a more physical, brutal approach…

Bexar County DA Under Fire

The son a district court judge in San Antonio, Nicholas “Nico” LaHood set his eyes on the District Attorney’s Office not long after leaving…

Prosecutorial Misconduct: A Continuing Blight on The Criminal Trial Process

Emily Bazelon is a staff writer at The New York Times Magazine and is the Truman Capote Fellow for Creative Writing and Law at…

Civil Asset Forfeiture: Caesar Takes What Does Not Belong to Caesar

Last year the federal government seized through its asset forfeiture laws $1,921,273,552.00 from both convicted and suspected criminal wrongdoers–$97,831.788.00 of which came from Texas.…

Qualified Immunity Protects Bad Forensic Experts

Two Mississippi men, Levon Brooks and Kennedy Brewer, were wrongfully convicted of murdering two three-year-old girls in separate crimes in the 1990s. Levon Brooks…

Officer Who Pepper Sprayed Arguing Suspect Faces Lawsuit

Police Force: When Does Reasonable Become Unreasonable Nearly three decades ago the U.S. Supreme Court, in Graham v. Conner, held that the police may…

Harris County’s Unconstitutional Bail System Dealt a Critical Blow

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than half of the jail population in the U.S. has never been convicted of a crime.…



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