Category Archives: Federal Criminal Law

Supremacy Clause Protects Austin PD Officer Deputized by Feds

The federal courts have on occasion pointed out that the immunity found in the Supremacy Clause is a “seldom litigated corner” of constitutional law.…

Trump Promises and Promises

President Donald Trump made a lot of promises during his successful campaign to become President of the United States – two of which were…

Attorney General Sessions and Possible Perjury Charges

Attorneys General have been known to lie. Last August former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane was convicted of lying to a state grand jury.…

Court Tosses Drug Conviction After Finding Illegal Detention After Traffic Stop

Vehicle traffic stops that lead to drug seizures pose a continuing problem for the courts to deal with. This is especially so in speeding…

What Does the Trump Administration Mean For Federal Drug Crimes?

In response to the legalization of medical and recreational use of marijuana at the state level, the Obama administration through its Justice Department announced…

Appeal Made on Federal Ruling of State Sex Offender Program

The New York Times reported in October 2015 that the State of Minnesota civilly commits more sex offenders per capita than any other state…

Best Buy, Geek Squad Techs on FBI Payroll

The FBI has paid informants in every nook-and-cranny in American society. But who would have thought that one of the nation’s leading retailers, Best…

Federal Identity Theft Is a Big Deal during the Holidays

According to the Identity Theft Fraud Study released by Javelin Strategy and Research, more people were victimized by identity theft in 2016 than in…

Ex-NHL Player Pleads Guilty to Federal Drug Charges

The National Hockey League realized last year that it has a growing problem with increased drug use by its players. The league met with…

When Do Violent Crimes Become a Federal Issue?

Edgar Maddison Welch was a resident of North Carolina. In early December, he drove to Washington, D.C. where he walked into a pizzeria known…



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