Category Archives: Corruption

Political Acquittal Not Proof of Innocence

As has become crystal clear, “not guilty” is not equivalent to “innocent” in the politics of impeachment. In a series of rambling, disparaging tweets…

Trump and Possible Articles of Impeachment

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution permits the U.S. House of Representatives of investigate and bring articles of impeachment against…

“Go Back Where You Come From” Speech Violates Federal Law, Threatens Lives

Last month the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, continued his longstanding pollution of the American public speech arena with toxic racism…

Trump’s Racist War on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

President Donald J. Trump is waging a racist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic war against Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. The president and his political operatives at…

President Donald J. Trump Politicizes Courts and Justice

President Donald J. Trump has polarized the American judiciary along racial and political lines. He believes the Attorney General of the United States should…

The Trump Administration Has Committed Crimes Against Children

Migrant family separations under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policies began in the summer of 2017. Then Homeland Security chief John Kelly was…

The U.S. Justice Department’s War on Migrant Children

The Flores Settlement Agreement is a 1997 court settlement that places limits on the length of time in which migrant children can be held…

Congressional Authority to Investigate the President

Congress’s authority to conduct oversight, and its corollary power to investigate, the executive branch of government (and all of its agencies) are not explicitly…

The President and His Elusive Tax Returns

In early April, House and Ways Committee Chairman Richard Neal requested six years of President Donald Trump’s tax returns and tax information. Chairman Neal…

President Trump Deliberately Creating Constitutional Crisis, Delay

The current President of these United States of America, Donald John Trump, has imposed upon all law-abiding Americans during his first two years and…



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